Spirularin VS Wart Cream
Spirularin VS Wart Creme
Natural, painless & wound free removal of warts
- Painless & wound free removal – due to antiviral & cell-regenerative properties of Spiralin®
- Protects healthy skin cells – breaks lifecycle of wart-causing Human Papilloma Virus
- Reduced risk of reinfection – no open wounds, willow bark extract & zinc rebalance skin
- Can be used on warts anywhere on the body, but also ideal for plantar warts, or mosaic warts as it can be applied to larger areas
- Fuss-free, economical application: massaged into wart & 2-3cm of surrounding skin 2x daily (morning & night)
- Safe for children (3+ years) or people with Diabetes
The wart may sometimes appear to get bigger as it is growing out. This is a good sign as it means the infected cells are being brought to the surface.
1 tube of Spirularin®VS Wart Cream is generally enough for a regular sized wart.
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